"The dichotomous nature of head versus heart. Our egoic minds trick our pure hearts into a conundrum that debilitates us from love, to immerse our spirit in logic and reason; forever chasing that pipe dream that never tasted so close.." July 5th 2013
"When you live in your ego, your fear has nowhere to go." June 7th, 2013
"When you paint yourself as the victim, you leave no space for yourself to become the victor.." May 24, 2013
"One breath Taken is worth 100 breaths unfelt." -Kelly Calloway May 20th, 2013
"If only we could learn to live outside of our heads and love more from inside our hearts.." May 14, 2013
"If I had the power to eliminate one thing from the human condition, it would be greed" May 10, 2013
"What if we All lived today like it was our last day on Earth?" May 7, 2013
“Wanderlust is like Perfectionism... you'll never be satisfied” May 6, 2013
"Sometimes people like their dreams to stay dreams" -Jon Kinum April 30 2013
“The only thing in this life that ever has the power to trap us, is our minds” April 16 2013
“Artists create new realms so they can take a vacation from the one that exists in reality” April 15 2013
“Take what you have, and... OWN IT!” April 10 2013
“Isn't life just a series of epiphanies and realizations that brings us to the next stages of development and understanding of who we are and what we need in life..?” April 9 2013
“The magical grandiose beauty of the Bay Area will never cease to amaze me. No matter how many photos I take, they will never do it justice. You just have to see it to believe it!” April 3 2013
“Gotta Kill em' with kindness” March 31 2013
“If one is unable to free one's self from the past, and divorce one's self from the future, how does one expect to embrace the present?” March 21 2013
“A body in motion stays in motion. A body that is still, remains stagnant. A mind that forever wanders, questions, and dreams is a mind that knows no bounds. A mind that is unopened remains stale” March 20 2013
“Loneliness is next to Godliness” March 12 2013
“I've never felt as vibrant and alive as I do here in L.A. Just undeniable and incredibly positive energy!” March 7 2013
“Listening to John Mayer's Born and Raised album driving from San Diego through the dessert into Los Angeles. Just Amazing.” March 6 2013
“Meditation is a practice; never something one can master" February 28 2013
“There's nothing quite like the smell of Spring's Rejuvenation. I Love it!!! :)” February 28 2013
“Whoa. I feel like I'm back in Scotia.. It's been SO long since I've had the pleasure to step foot in a Wal-Mart! I never thought I'd be so happy to see, and be inside one again! Haha!” February 27 2013
“When one door closes, a new one opens” February 24 2013
“When I gaze up at an ascending, towering California Palm Tree, it reminds me that I've reached a few of my goals, but I should never cease to strive and stretch for more and more everyday” February 24 2013
“Sometimes the right things to do in life are the hardest things to do” February 22 2013
"Hatred of another human only perpetuates our own self-hatred. We need to remind ourselves that Love is always more powerful, and will heal us all" February 21 2013
“Last week I had 736 Facebook Friends. After a little quality control, I'm down to a clean 175. That's 561 people that I didn't feel, or need to be connected to... Keepin' it Real :)” February 20 2013
“Cheers to the best 2 weeks I've had this year. To all the impersonations, hundreds of laughs, great food, awesome skating, and incredible exploration. You have brought much love, light and creativity back into my heart. You remind me to be me and to follow my dreams. Until we meet again, safe travels Josh. Love, Dan” February 16 2013
“A composition within a work of art is like a series of puzzle pieces waiting to be put together. Every move is important” January 30 2013
“One year ago today, at this time, 11pm PST I started my journey living here in California. One of the best decisions I've ever made. With the help of a few friends, it has become a reality :)” January 23 2013
"Let 2013 be a new year of awareness and connectivity for all of us. Spiritual, physical, mental, and universal. I strive to eradicate negative energies and cope with the stress of what life throws at me this year in the most positive ways possible. To not be so heavily affected by others, and continue to strengthen my own energy field; continuing on my own path of spiritual transcendence" January 1 2013
"You can only be affected negatively by someone if you Choose to allow yourself to be" November 27
"Life is full of choices. Whether they are awarded with a positive or negative value, all we ever make are choices" November 27 2012
"Silence the noise from the outside; replace it with the stillness that exists within" October 30 2012
"A year ago today, I embarked on a journey of epic proportions. I departed from everything I ever knew, loved and was ever so familiar with.
After living in a small village in upstate New York with the comforts of Home, friends, family, a solid reputation, a strong foundation, and thick roots for 25 years, I decided to take a Big risk and do something that I yearned to do for the majority of my life.
After relentlessly obsessing and waiting for so long for this journey to enter into reality, it was finally pushed into motion.
I could have never imagined all of the incredible experiences, amazing people, intense highs and bottomless lows this last spiritually expansive and forcefully transformative year would bring.
Through much isolation, separation and introspection, I have come to one of the most pinnacle realizations in my life. It is something simple that collectively we all know and share, but the majority of the time the human condition will not allow us to embrace it.
It isn’t the beautiful, warm, healing sun, brightly colored fuzzy palm trees, crashing ocean, incredible skate spots, new Masters degree, new wonderful paying dream job, new shiny car, new house, or any other egoic, tangible, status object that is important in life.
It is the rich, undeniable love and connection that exists between us that is so vastly important. It is the laughs we share, the idiosyncrasies we point out in each other, the love, compassion, and empathy that we exhibit that holds us all together; that makes us whole. It is friends, family and new connections that we make with strangers every day that gives us strength. This is what is so eminently important in this life that we all need to accept, embrace and cherish as much as we possibly can.
Sometimes we are blinded by the distractions and obligations life throws at us. We far too often lose sight of what is really truly important.
My dreams, goals and travels thus far, could have never been made possible without the love, support and incredible generosity of my friends and family. I couldn’t have done any of this without you. Love, Dan" October 14 2012
"When you relax the body, you relax the mind" July 15 2012
"To have all the cool new toys, but no one to share them with" May 17 2012
"Don't let the dreams and memories of past lovers ruin your present days. Move past it; find someone new to love" May 14 2012
"Just be" May 10 2012
"The only person you can control and change is yourself; it's not your place to do so in any other situation. It never works.. For anyone" May 9 2012
"Leave work at work, and home at home; and don't allow other's emotions to affect you negatively at one or the other" May 9 2012
"The moment you realize you're living for yourself and not for the benefit of society or others, you realize freedom is obtainable" May 4 2012
"Perfection is the enemy of good" April 1 2012
“5 years ago today, I quit smoking cigarettes! Just so happen to fall on St. Patrick's Day! ;)” March 17 2012
The Journey Begins…
“Well, it's official. I'm moving to Austin, Tx. October 14th!” September 19 2011
"When you live in your ego, your fear has nowhere to go." June 7th, 2013
"When you paint yourself as the victim, you leave no space for yourself to become the victor.." May 24, 2013
"One breath Taken is worth 100 breaths unfelt." -Kelly Calloway May 20th, 2013
"If only we could learn to live outside of our heads and love more from inside our hearts.." May 14, 2013
"If I had the power to eliminate one thing from the human condition, it would be greed" May 10, 2013
"What if we All lived today like it was our last day on Earth?" May 7, 2013
“Wanderlust is like Perfectionism... you'll never be satisfied” May 6, 2013
"Sometimes people like their dreams to stay dreams" -Jon Kinum April 30 2013
“The only thing in this life that ever has the power to trap us, is our minds” April 16 2013
“Artists create new realms so they can take a vacation from the one that exists in reality” April 15 2013
“Take what you have, and... OWN IT!” April 10 2013
“Isn't life just a series of epiphanies and realizations that brings us to the next stages of development and understanding of who we are and what we need in life..?” April 9 2013
“The magical grandiose beauty of the Bay Area will never cease to amaze me. No matter how many photos I take, they will never do it justice. You just have to see it to believe it!” April 3 2013
“Gotta Kill em' with kindness” March 31 2013
“If one is unable to free one's self from the past, and divorce one's self from the future, how does one expect to embrace the present?” March 21 2013
“A body in motion stays in motion. A body that is still, remains stagnant. A mind that forever wanders, questions, and dreams is a mind that knows no bounds. A mind that is unopened remains stale” March 20 2013
“Loneliness is next to Godliness” March 12 2013
“I've never felt as vibrant and alive as I do here in L.A. Just undeniable and incredibly positive energy!” March 7 2013
“Listening to John Mayer's Born and Raised album driving from San Diego through the dessert into Los Angeles. Just Amazing.” March 6 2013
“Meditation is a practice; never something one can master" February 28 2013
“There's nothing quite like the smell of Spring's Rejuvenation. I Love it!!! :)” February 28 2013
“Whoa. I feel like I'm back in Scotia.. It's been SO long since I've had the pleasure to step foot in a Wal-Mart! I never thought I'd be so happy to see, and be inside one again! Haha!” February 27 2013
“When one door closes, a new one opens” February 24 2013
“When I gaze up at an ascending, towering California Palm Tree, it reminds me that I've reached a few of my goals, but I should never cease to strive and stretch for more and more everyday” February 24 2013
“Sometimes the right things to do in life are the hardest things to do” February 22 2013
"Hatred of another human only perpetuates our own self-hatred. We need to remind ourselves that Love is always more powerful, and will heal us all" February 21 2013
“Last week I had 736 Facebook Friends. After a little quality control, I'm down to a clean 175. That's 561 people that I didn't feel, or need to be connected to... Keepin' it Real :)” February 20 2013
“Cheers to the best 2 weeks I've had this year. To all the impersonations, hundreds of laughs, great food, awesome skating, and incredible exploration. You have brought much love, light and creativity back into my heart. You remind me to be me and to follow my dreams. Until we meet again, safe travels Josh. Love, Dan” February 16 2013
“A composition within a work of art is like a series of puzzle pieces waiting to be put together. Every move is important” January 30 2013
“One year ago today, at this time, 11pm PST I started my journey living here in California. One of the best decisions I've ever made. With the help of a few friends, it has become a reality :)” January 23 2013
"Let 2013 be a new year of awareness and connectivity for all of us. Spiritual, physical, mental, and universal. I strive to eradicate negative energies and cope with the stress of what life throws at me this year in the most positive ways possible. To not be so heavily affected by others, and continue to strengthen my own energy field; continuing on my own path of spiritual transcendence" January 1 2013
"You can only be affected negatively by someone if you Choose to allow yourself to be" November 27
"Life is full of choices. Whether they are awarded with a positive or negative value, all we ever make are choices" November 27 2012
"Silence the noise from the outside; replace it with the stillness that exists within" October 30 2012
"A year ago today, I embarked on a journey of epic proportions. I departed from everything I ever knew, loved and was ever so familiar with.
After living in a small village in upstate New York with the comforts of Home, friends, family, a solid reputation, a strong foundation, and thick roots for 25 years, I decided to take a Big risk and do something that I yearned to do for the majority of my life.
After relentlessly obsessing and waiting for so long for this journey to enter into reality, it was finally pushed into motion.
I could have never imagined all of the incredible experiences, amazing people, intense highs and bottomless lows this last spiritually expansive and forcefully transformative year would bring.
Through much isolation, separation and introspection, I have come to one of the most pinnacle realizations in my life. It is something simple that collectively we all know and share, but the majority of the time the human condition will not allow us to embrace it.
It isn’t the beautiful, warm, healing sun, brightly colored fuzzy palm trees, crashing ocean, incredible skate spots, new Masters degree, new wonderful paying dream job, new shiny car, new house, or any other egoic, tangible, status object that is important in life.
It is the rich, undeniable love and connection that exists between us that is so vastly important. It is the laughs we share, the idiosyncrasies we point out in each other, the love, compassion, and empathy that we exhibit that holds us all together; that makes us whole. It is friends, family and new connections that we make with strangers every day that gives us strength. This is what is so eminently important in this life that we all need to accept, embrace and cherish as much as we possibly can.
Sometimes we are blinded by the distractions and obligations life throws at us. We far too often lose sight of what is really truly important.
My dreams, goals and travels thus far, could have never been made possible without the love, support and incredible generosity of my friends and family. I couldn’t have done any of this without you. Love, Dan" October 14 2012
"When you relax the body, you relax the mind" July 15 2012
"To have all the cool new toys, but no one to share them with" May 17 2012
"Don't let the dreams and memories of past lovers ruin your present days. Move past it; find someone new to love" May 14 2012
"Just be" May 10 2012
"The only person you can control and change is yourself; it's not your place to do so in any other situation. It never works.. For anyone" May 9 2012
"Leave work at work, and home at home; and don't allow other's emotions to affect you negatively at one or the other" May 9 2012
"The moment you realize you're living for yourself and not for the benefit of society or others, you realize freedom is obtainable" May 4 2012
"Perfection is the enemy of good" April 1 2012
“5 years ago today, I quit smoking cigarettes! Just so happen to fall on St. Patrick's Day! ;)” March 17 2012
The Journey Begins…
“Well, it's official. I'm moving to Austin, Tx. October 14th!” September 19 2011